Reviews from Steve's Red Devon Conference presentations

A friend of mine asked 3 different persons' opinion on my presentation of last weekend at the Devon Conference and all high marks were given as follows..

"New to cattle in the last year, He wants to get a recording so he can go over it many more times since there are so many new concepts for his brain to grasp. He added he wished at some point in the weekend you could have taken him to a chute and spoke  where he and you could have put your hands on the cow. He said his form of learning is better hands on. He wants to lift the tail have you point at the eshcution touch the spot where the glands are, touch the hair between the shoulders, look for the yellow in the ears and tail, feel the soft hide."

"A second person loved your talk, just what she and her herd manager needed and what they came for. Thought the whole weekend was over the top."

"One had heard others talk for years and said she thought yours was better organized and you had several things she had not heard before. Liked it very much and thought you were easy to listen too."

"I think the take home from the three is your presentation was great, they thought you connected the dots well, explained concepts well. For some items they would like to be chute side for better understanding which is understandable but sometimes not easy to accomplish in a larger group."

Posted on September 7, 2015 .