Corona Virus protection ??? IODINE !!!

Dr. David Brownstein wrote a book entitled, Iodine, Why you need it, Why you can’t live without it.

Recently he blogged about how to keep yourself from getting the Corona Virus here

An excerpt from the early part of that blog is as follows…

Wearing a mask will not help protect you from becoming ill with any viral infection—corona virus included. I would check that off the list.


First, it is important to maintain optimal levels of nutrients, particularly vitamins A, C, and D. Most people have suboptimal vitamin A and C levels. Both of these nutrients have antiviral abilities and are able to support the immune system when it is under viral attack. If you are not ill, I suggest taking 3-5,000 mg/day of vitamin C. At the first sign of an illness, I would suggest taking 1,000 mg/hour until diarrhea develops, then back off for a time period. For vitamin A, I suggest using 5,000 Units/day if you are not sick and 100,000 Units/day for four days at the first sign of an illness. Pregnant women cannot take these doses. (Note: Take vitamin A, not beta carotene.)  Also, vitamin D is very important for fighting infections.  I suggest, at the onset of an illness, taking 50,000 IU of vitamin D3/day for four days.


Iodine is essential to not only fighting off an infection it is necessary for proper immune system functioning. There is no bacteria, virus, parasite or fungus that is known to be resistant to iodine. As I have written in my book, Iodine: Why You Need It, Why You Can’t Live Without It, most of the population is low in iodine. If fact, iodine levels have fallen nearly 60% over the last 40 years. The RDA for iodine is inadequate to supply enough iodine for all the bodily tissues. For the majority of my patients, I suggest taking 25 mg/day as a daily dose and more (sometimes 50-100 mg/day) at the first sign of an illness. Iodine can cause adverse effects and it is best used under the guidance of an iodine-knowledgeable doctor.


To prevent becoming ill and to avoid having a poorly responding immune system, it is vitally important to eat a healthy diet free of all sources of refined sugar. Refined sugar has been shown to negatively alter the functioning of the white blood cells for hours after ingestion. Finally, it is important to maintain optimal hydration—drink water! Take your body weight in pounds, divide by two and the resultant number is the amount of water to drink per day in ounces. Dehydration ensures you will be much more likely to suffer serious problems from any infectious process.”

Hope that eases your mind somewhat.

However, 1/1000 people can not handle Iodine … so start slow.

Posted on February 19, 2020 .