Feeling the need to apologize for a mistake I made...

Back in the 1990’s, there was quite a bit of linear measurement work done in a feedlot in Nebraska. One of the big things to me to come out of that was the correlation that for each increase in the heart-girth measurement being larger than the top line (Pins to Poll) the extra gain amounted to 37# (this is from 18,000-ish head of cattle). Interestingly, those animals required 37 fewer pounds of grain.

Somehow in my retelling of this story I substituted “POUNDS OF RED MEAT” for “POUNDS OF GAIN”

I found this when going through some older power points.

With regret for any injury I may have caused to any of you who heard me say “pounds of red meat’ at a school or perhaps stumbled across it on one of my thumb drives, I do hope it did not cost you go too far down the wrong rabbit hole.

Give me a call if you want to discuss this further…

Posted on January 14, 2024 .